Top 10 Haircare Tips from SJ Forbes

Invest in the best hair care!
Your hair is your crown, and to have the best locks, even in-between salon visits, hair care is important! At SJ Forbes we believe that it is the secret to every outstanding look, every colour and every style! We offer a range of professional solutions for beautiful hair, all with built-in protection. We believe that haircare comes from within! We partner with Goldwell and offer first-class hair care solutions to all of our clients
Here are our tips and tricks when it comes to all things hair care:
1. Find a shampoo that is suited to your hair
By investing in a professional shampoo, will give your hair a thicker and fuller look. There is less silicone in salon-quality shampoo, so therefore your hair will get the nourishment it needs and it will help prevent breakages that can thin specific areas of your style!
A few of our favourites:
2. Condition and dry your hair correctly
There is a common misconception about using conditioner all over your hair, this can make your hair greasy and unmanageable. Add conditioner to the ends only, and add in a treatment/leave-in conditioner product to your routine.
We offer a range of professional hair treatment services. Make sure to ask your stylist if you are thinking about using one and we can consult you!
3. Be a little cautious when rinsing and drying your hair
When rinsing your hair, make sure that all product is rinsed off. Leftover product can leave you with buildup, and contributes to greasy and oily hair. We also recommend being cautious when drying your hair, towel dry gently and press the hair, do not rub!
4. Reasons to choose supermarket sold hair products...there isn't any! You wouldn't wash a Ferrari in fairy liquid. Invest in haircare! Check out our range of Goldwell hair services and products to support your hair needs.
5. Use a hair protector before styling your hair with heat
Sometimes curlers/straighteners can reach up to 230 degrees! If you think your hair is ok alone in that temperature, then think again. There is a need to protect our hair, and if heated styling is excessively used, it can have severe effects on your hair. Tip - spray some heat protection on some bread and pop it in the toaster...and see it with your own eyes.
6. Give your hair a break from scraping back to ponytails
Strands need a break now and again. Make sure to switch up your style with jelly hair bobbles and hair clips. Perhaps try a lower ponytail, or clipping your hair back with a clip instead of forcing your hair up high! This will avoid breakage and weakening the hair.
7. Be cautious when extracting those greys!
Pulling white / grey hair out will not make 7 more grow! But by plucking out hairs, you may damage the follicles, ultimately damaging the regrowth of hair. Look at alternative ways of hiding these, potentially by different styles or colours.
8. When drying hair...
Squeezing...and we mean squeezing, not rubbing, water out of your hair after your shampoo. This will aid and enhance your product to work harder. The water creates a barrier and dilutes the product. If you use a flannel you will get a lot more out of your products.
9. Rethink the way you wash your hair
Mintel reports that 33% of women who have changed their washing habits in the last 12 months cite worrying about damage as the top reason, so how often should you be shampooing? Well, industry experts argue that less is more. Do you really need to wash your hair every day? Over washing can be damaging for your hair, especially if your hair has been bleached. Find a dry shampoo, or style your hair up in-between days!
10. Remember the good tools, rule!
Think of your hair just like you would your skin, whatever you use will affect its appearance. By investing in salon-quality hair products, you eliminate breakage, and keep your hair looking its happiest and healthiest!
We are here to help, speak to your stylist about any hair queries you may have and any products which you are considering using. SJ Forbes are hairdressers covering the Surrey area in Egham and Windsor, offering a range of hair services. We are hair colour specialists in our area and like to give each client that magic finish!
SJ Forbes team x